- Blog
- Do the Japanese like eating meat?
- Does everyone have a sharp knife in Japan?
- The Reason for Wanting to Marry a High-Grade Man
- Backstrap Weaving and Japanese Old Story
- Are Japanese people afraid of earthquakes?
- Why do Japanese people want to be white?
- Writing a book is lonely work
- Are things Expensive in Japan?
- Do you know Emoji is originally Japanese? - There is also “Kaomoji” in Japanese writings
- The reasons why I don’t really use social media linked to phone numbers
- I published another book in English: Weird Thoughts about Creativity
- People don't want to get vaccinated. How does the Japanese government deal with this problem?
- Tokyo Olympics 2020 with Covid-19
- "Sukiyaki (Japanese title: Ue wo muite arukou - 1962) by Kyu Sakamoto
- Language and Identity
- I got vaccinated in Quebec, Canada, but when will my parent’s vaccination happen in Japan?
- This is how we flew back to Canada during the Covid-19 pandemic : Self-Isolation Day 2
- Things you can do to avoid infection from Covid-19 when you take flights
- Things we can do not to get infected with coronavirus (COVID-19): writing from Japan
- Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Japan: what's happening now
- Can my flight to Japan possibly be cancelled because of coronavirus?
- Coronavirus and Racism: Behind the Story
- Coronavirus - Should I cancel my flight to Japan this month?
- What is Cryptocurrency?
- How can we live after we lose the fear of death? --- Love and Creativity
- Until what age are Japanese people going to work?
- I had an Abortion in Quebec, Canada --- the Difference from Japan
- A review of Fizz: Unlimited Internet in Montreal, Canada
- Where should I write in 2020?
- The Life without Internet: We Cancelled Home Internet with Bell Canada
- Creative Writing Changed My Life
- Learning Languages: Can you Write What you are capable to Read?
- An Individual Box - writing prompt: A Box
- The reason why Japanese people don’t speak English
- Writing poems may be a good approach when you start creative writing in a non-native language.
- Travelling in Japan is not expensive.
- What is the most powerful social media in Japan?
- You need to be who you are as a writer
- When a poet gets transformed into a beast
- Sleeping in trains
- I’m Japanese, but I don’t like Manga.
- Can Poets survive on Medium?
- There are no Ugly Waiters in Hong Kong
- Solitude
- From the window of the bus #973, Tsim Sha Tsui East - Stanley: a short trip to Hong Kong
- The situation in Hong Kong not so bad, maybe during weekdays: our short trip to Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Trip with my Mother from Japan
- Travel from Japan to Hong Kong after the Super Typhoon
- I had a haircut in Japan
- Super Typhoon is coming to Japan
- Japan Airline's Children Seat Icon causes Some Discussion Overseas
- Why I am writing in English, even though it's not my native language
- What and who is blogging for?
- Why aren't Medium and Patreon popular among Japanese? What is the most powerful social media in Japan?
- Where I came from and Where I am going
- What picture would you draw in the Japan's new era
- Why did I start writing on "Medium"
- Why do we travel?
- Is it easy to be a politician in Japan?
- Why do the Japanese say "Sorry" so often?
- Are Japanese special people in Asia?
- Ideal Self and Real Self
- Why do Japanese people say, "I can't speak English," even when they can understand basic English?
- Japan's New Era - 'Reiwa'. ..Do we really need it?
- Slave labour in Japanese hospitals
- Who are the most British-like people in Japan?
- You had better not make the same mistake twice in Japan
- What does "long life" mean to Japanese people?
- Extra revenue generating activities are officially allowed in Japan since 2018
- Are Japanese people nice? : Two Japanese men arrested in Cambodia for murder of a taxi driver
- You mustn’t talk on your Phone in Public Transport in Japan!
- Why do Japanese like Sakura so much? Sketches of Sakura (Cherry Blossoms)
- Are people nice in Japan?
- Are women NOT worth being called by their individual names in Japan?
- Layers of Paper Packaging in Japan
- 3 Reasons why I do NOT think Japanese Food is Healthy
- Is it easy to find gluten-free food and restaurants in Japan?
- Why do I blog in English?
- Who am I?
- Blogging and Marketing
- Why do Japanese people call social media “SNS (Social networking service)”?
- Secret Fact: The Reason Why I Left Medium
- Why should we try Audio Content as an Online Marketer and how to create and provide your audio content
- The Reason why I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress, and about Permalinks
- I seem to have earned on Brave, but my withdraw will be put on hold
- Somebody tipped me on my tweet though the browser ‘Brave.’
- Tumblr doesn’t Work with Google Adsense Anymore, How to monetise Tumblr blogs in 2020
- Review of Brave browser: Rural Canadian internet speed can be really crap, so I tried using Brave
- "Cocoon" The best Free WordPress Theme I've ever used is made in Japan
- Learn Japanese
- How do you say “What is this?” in Japanese?
- How do you say “Hello” or “Hi” in Japanese?
- How do you say “I’m hungry” in Japanese? The meaning of “おなかすいた(お腹空いた)Onaka Suita” and how to use it
- How do you say Delicious in Japanese? What does “おいしいOishii” mean, and How to use.
- How to say ‘See you again’ or ‘Goodbye’ in Japanese? and What does ‘Sayonara’ mean?
- How do you say ‘Sorry I don’t understand Japanese’ in Japanese?
- What does ‘Sugoi すごい’ mean?— Pronunciation and How to Use it
- How do you say ‘Thank You’ in Japanese? — Meaning of ‘Arigatouありがとう’ and Pronunciation
- How do you say ‘I want to kiss you’ in Japanese?
- What does ‘Onegaishimasu おねがいします’ mean?— when do we use it?
- What is the difference amongst 3 styles of Kanji, Japanese, simplified and traditional Chinese?
- What does ‘Chottoちょっと’ mean?— Pronunciation and How to Use it
- What does ‘Daijoubuだいじょうぶ’ mean? — Pronunciation and How to Use it
- How do you say ‘Please’ in Japanese? — Meaning of ‘Onegaishimasu’ and Pronunciation
- What does ‘Emoiエモい’ mean?— its pronunciation and how to use it
- Trading Kanji and Language History between China and Japan
- What does ‘Kawaii’ mean?— its pronunciation and how to use
- How do you say ‘Sorry’ in Japanese? — Meaning of ‘Sumimasen!’ and Pronunciation
- How do you say "you are beautiful" in Japanese?
- Everyday Conversation
- How do you say "How are you?" in Japanese?
- How do you say "You are welcome" in Japanese?
- How do you say "Good morning" in Japanese?
- What's the difference between "びょういんbyooin" and "びよういんbiyooin"?
- What does "少し(sukoshi)" mean in Japanese?
- How do you say "I'm sad" in Japanese?
- How do you say "I'm happy" in Japanese?
- How do you say "I want to learn Japanese" in Japanese?
- What's the difference between "Udon" and "Oden"?
- How do you say "I'm learning Japanese" in Japanese?
- How do you say "I don't understand Japanese" in Japanese?
- What's the difference between "Shungiku" and "Shinjuku"?
- How do you say "Never mind" in Japanese?
- How do you say "What do you mean?" in Japanese?
- How do you say "Delicious" in Japanese?
- How do you say "It's hurting" in Japanese?
- How do you say "I'm hungry" in Japanese?
- How do you say "It's just your imagination" in Japanese?
- How do you say "definitely" in Japanese?
- How do you say "maybe" in Japanese?
- How do you say "No Chance" in Japanese?
- How do you say "It's strange" in Japanese?
- Japanese Reading
- Reading Japanese: Courgette and Corn Salad with Tuna
- Reading Japanese: We've just had our third vaccination
- Reading Japanese: Phonetic characters and Ideographic characters in Japanese 日本語の表音文字と表意文字
- Reading Japanese: Anti-ageing is now obsolete. The passion for stop-ageing or even reverse-ageing
- Reading Japanese: Digital Nomadic work abroad from autumn became a lot more realistic!
- Reading Japanese: Life as a nomad worker (Digital Nomad) ノマドワーカーとしての生き方
- Reading Japanese: How to write just as who you are
- Japanese Reading: だれもいない道(みち)をゆく Go where nobody has been before
- Japanese Reading:「Sukiyaki(上を向いて歩こう)」1962年ー坂本九
- Japanese Reading: 東京(とうきょう)オリンピック2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 with Covid-19
- Kanji
- 火 (fire): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 王 (king): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 雨 (rain): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 貝 (shell): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 思 (think): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 鳥 (bird): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 金 (gold, money): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 空 (sky): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 国 (country): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 黒 (black): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 男 (man/men): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 毎 (every): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 歩(to walk): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 月 (moon): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 東 (east): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- 白 (white): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations
- Poetry
- Write fantasy in poetry 夏のうたたね
- A migrating bird --- a poem
- Another night in Insomnia
- My favourite photo on the wall
- A night in "Insomnia"
- A library
- A body in the well
- A Voice - a poem
- You can't sing
- A Looming City
- Where is My Creativity Coming From?
- My butterfly lied to me - ぼくの蝶: a poem
- Camellia's heads - 椿塚: a poem
- You always forget what you have in your pockets
- Poison 毒 -- a poem
- 罠 — A Trap
- The Sexiest Phase of Flowers
- Death is alive - a short poem
- Writing a Poem
- Jet Lag: A nonsense poem
- Vietnamese Coffee: Travel Poem
- Haiku
- A deer
- A white skull
- Grandfather
- My Haiku may be a bit different from the one written by English poets
- A summer Haiku by Basho: Samidare wo...
- A Gecko
- A frozen forest --- a Haiku
- snowshoes --- a Haiku
- Fireplace #2 暖炉 --- a Haiku
- A winter draft - a Haiku
- the Essence of Haiku poetry and my favourite Japanese Haiku poems
- Fireplace #1 暖炉の火— a Haiku
- 紫雲A purple cloud-a Haiku-ish poem with English translation
- Haiku and Tanka Collection in Japanese and English: My Books
- 満月夜 a fullmoon night- a Haiku
- Haiku & Tanka Practice: My First English Book self-published
- After the 100 Haiku Writing Project
- Prose
- Tanka
- Hurry up to see her before my mum's gone: Michinoku no Hahano inochi...
- A romantic Tanka by the 75th Japanese Emperor: Se wo hayami Iwani sekaruru...
- An early spring Tanka by Emperor Koukou: Kimiga tame Haru no noni idete...
- insomnia snow不眠の雪 - a Tanka Poem
- Haiku and Tanka Collection in Japanese and English: My Books
- Haiku & Tanka Practice: My First English Book self-published
- About Me
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