雨 (rain): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations

  • Meaning: rain
  • Pronunciations: u / ame, ama

“雨” is formed to describe the appearance of moisture pouring from clouds. The top horizontal bar represents a rain cloud in the sky, and the four dots below represent drops of water falling from that cloud. The kanji “雨” is also used as a component of many other kanji such as “雲 (cloud)”, “雪 (snow)” and “雷 (thunder)”.

  • 降雨量(こううりょう koouryoo): rainfall
  • 梅雨(ばいう baiu/つゆ tsuyu): the rainy season in Japan
  • 大雨(おおあめ ooame): heavy rain
  • 雨雲(あまぐも amagumo): rain cloud
  • 雨具(あまぐ amagu): rain gear

Ame ga hutte imasu.
It’s raining.

Rokugatsu wa tsuyu no kisetsu desu.
June is the rainy season.
