- Meaning: bird(s)
- Pronunciations: choo / tori
This kanji was created from hieroglyphs depicting a bird with a long, slender hanging tail. There are many kanji formed from combinations of bird names.
- 鳩(はと hato): pigeons
- 鶴(つる tsuru): crane
- 鶏(とり tori/にわとり niwatori): chicken (hen)
- 鴨(かも kamo): duck

We can use this letter like;
- 渡り鳥(わたりどり wataridori): migratory birds
- 鳥かご(とりかご torikago): bird cages
- 鳥類(ちょうるい choorui): birds, as a biological classification
ことしも わたりどりが やってきた。
Kotoshi mo wataridori ga yattekita.
Migratory birds have arrived again this year.
こうもりは ちょうるいですか?
Koomori wa choorui desu ka?
Are bats birds?
とりかごの なかに きいろい ことりが います。
Torikago no naka ni kiiroi kotori ga imasu.
There is a small yellow bird in the birdcage.