Reading Japanese: Anti-ageing is now obsolete. The passion for stop-ageing or even reverse-ageing

How old do you want to live to be? Healthily living longer is a dream of human beings everywhere in the world. This essay was written for the writer prompt “Longevity”.

I was inspired to write it by a BBC documentary I watched once.

Japanese text





>Read the full episode in Japanese on Medium

Japanese text in Hiragana and Pronunciations


Kureopatora ya Yookihi no jidai kara, watashitachi wa “huroohushi” ni shuuchaku shite kimashita.


Soshite sore wa genzai mo onaji desu.


Anchi eijingu wa mohaya jidai okure.


Stoppu eijingu, aruiwa ribaasu eijingu ni boudai na okane to kenkyuu ga sosogarete imasu.


Kenkoo to jikan wa okane dewa kaenai mono— to, yoku iimasu.


Shikashi, boodai na zaisan wo motte ireba, kenkoo ya jikan sae mo onake de kaeru.


Son-na jidai wa, moo sugu soko ni kite iruno kamo shirenai nodesu.

English Translation

Since the time of Cleopatra and Yang Kwei Fei, we have been obsessed with “immortality” and it is still the same today.

Anti-ageing is now obsolete. There is a huge amount of money and research going into stop-ageing and reverse-ageing.

It is often said that we cannot buy health and time.

However, if you have a huge amount of money, you can buy health and even time. Such an era may be just around the corner.

Pick up for beginners!

かもしれない kamo shirenai

かもしれない means “might” or “perhaps” indicating possibility.

  • かもしれない kamo shirenai: plain form
  • かもしれません kamo shiremasen: polite form
  • かも kamo: very casual form

When you are guessing something or assuming what will happen in future, now and in the past, you can say “X かもしれない”.

X can be a noun, verb or adjective. 

kuru kamo shirenai

(It) may come.

konai kamo shirenai

(It) may not come.

kita kamo shirenai

(It) might have come.

konakatta kamo shirenai

(It) might not have come.

ashita, ame ga huru kamo shirenai

Tomorrow, it may rain.

ashita, ame kamo shirenai

Tomorrow, it may rain.

omoshiroi kamo shirenai

(It) may be interesting.

omoshirokunai kamo shirenai

(It) may not be interesting.

ureshikatta kamo shirenai

(Someone) might have been happy.

ureshikunakatta kamo shirenai

(Someone) might not have been happy.

shiawase kamo shirenai

(Someone) may be happy.

shiawase janai kamo shirenai

(Someone) may not be happy.

shiawase datta kamo shirenai

(Someone) might have been happy.

shiawase janakatta kamo shirenai

(Someone) might not have been happy.

Japanese people don’t really like to express their opinions and feelings, so they often use “かも (しれない)” to soften their expressions. 

muri kamo shirenai

Maybe impossible.

soo kamo shirenai

Maybe it is the case. (Maybe you are right)

chotto muzukashii kamo shirenai

(It) may be a little difficult.

Japanese people often say “無理かも(しれない)” or “ちょっと難しいかも(しれない)”, even though they are sure that it’s impossible or that it’s very difficult because they don’t like to say it straight.


  • クレオパトラ kureopatora: Cleopatra
  • 楊貴妃 youkihi: Yang Kwei Fei or Yang Guifei
  • 時代 jidai: period, era
  • から kara: from 
  • 私たち watashitachi: we
  • 不老不死 huroohushi: immortality, living forever without ageing
  • 執着 shuuchaku: obsession
  • そして soshite: and
  • それ sore: it
  • 現在 genzai: present, now
  • 同じ onaji: same
  • アンチエイジング anchi eijingu: anti-aging
  • もはや mohaya: no longer
  • 時代遅れjidai okure: outdated
  • ストップエイジングsutoppu eijingu: stop aging
  • あるいは aruiwa: or
  • リバースエイジング ribaasu eijingu: reverse aging
  • 膨大な boudaina: enormous
  • お金 okane: money
  • 研究kenkyuu: the study
  • 注がれていますsosogarete imasu: Is being poured
  • 健康 kenkoo: health
  • 時間 jikan: time
  • 買えない kaenai: can’t buy
  • もの mono: thing
  • よく yoku: often
  • いいます iimasu: say, is said
  • しかし shikashi: but
  • 財産 zaisan: property
  • 持っていれば motte ireba: if you have
  • さえも saemo: even
  • 買える kaeru: can buy
  • そんな son-na: such
  • もうすぐ moosugu: very soon
  • そこに sokoni: there
  • 来ている kiteiru: it is coming
  • かもしれない kamoshirenai: may be
