The other day, I mentioned the new browser ‘Brave’ in the article about the Canadian Internet connection. I also wrote about the same browser in one of my Japanese posts about the ads on websites and adblockers.
Somebody tipped on my tweet though Brave
After I promoted my post on Twitter, I received a stranger’s tweet message. It said, “I just tipped you(my account) using the Brave Browser. Check it out at (link: #TipWithBrave” in Japanese.
Brave Browser を使用してチップを払いました。 @hana_gardener ここで確認してください。 #TipWithBrave
— chikaki@brave (@chkk525) August 7, 2019
A Review of browser Brave
I started using ‘Brave’ nearly one month ago and switched from Chrome to it as the main browser with both my laptop and tablet last week. Coincidentally it was the time when Brave officially started the system of tipping to creators on Twiter.
When you open Twitter on the browser ‘Brave,’ you can see the triangle icon followed by the letter “Tip” on each tweet.

This image is a screenshot, not emblemed.
When you click that icon, you can tip individual content creators whom you like, using their Basic Attention Token (BAT).
Tipping through Brave, How does it work?
Brave aims to provide unique eco-system. The browser blocks the ads on websites, but if you are willing to see ‘privacy-preserving Brave Ads,’ you can turn on ‘Brave Reward’ so that you can earn BAT by viewing their ads.
You can also contribute your favourite website or creators on YouTube or Twitch (Brave currently takes 5% of your contribution).
As content creators, we have to sign up Brave and login to the Brave Rewards publisher account and set up Uphold account to receive earnings. Verification of your Twitter or YouTube account or your website is needed too. I added my WordPress website using the plugin, which was easy.
Who tipped me and why?
I have no idea, but I guess that he (or she) might be one of the supporters of Brave or investors of BAT because it was a tweet about Brave browser. The amount of tip was not big. Still, I think their concept is interesting and exciting.
Additionally, you can use the same extension on Brave as Chrome, such as Grammarly (English Grammar check tool). It also sets Google as a default search engine, which means that Google must pay a lot of money to Brave.