黒 (black): Kanji Meaning and Pronunciations

  • Meaning: black
  • Pronunciations: koku / kuro (i)

The Kanji character “黒” (kuro) is originated from a pictogram of making ink by collecting soot. “黒” means the colour black. When you use it alone, “黒” is a noun. When “い” is added, “黒い” plays as an i-adjective.

  • 白黒(しろくろ)): white and black 
  • 黒板(こくばん): blackboard
  • 暗黒(あんこく): dark and black

Interestingly, when “黒” is combined with “犬 (a dog)”, it becomes “黙” which means “silence” “no sound”. 

Kuroi inu wo kattemasu.
I have a black dog.

Kuro wa arimasuka?
Do you have it in black?
