- Meaning: sky, empty
- Pronunciations: kuu / sora, a(ku), su(ku), kara
The Kanji character “空” is composed of two parts; “穴” and “工”. “穴” represents empty space, while “工” is structured with a single line running between two lines above and below, and can mean “piercing through”. “空” symbolises “pierced hole”, which in time turned into the meaning of “empty”. The sky above us is also “empty” without any real substance. That is why “空” came to mean “sky”.

- 空想 kuusoo: imagination, fantasy
- 空港 kuukoo: airport(s)
- 青空 aozora: blue sky
- 空手 karate: Karate (Japanese martial art)
- お腹が空く onaka ga suku: to get hungry
そらが あおい。
Sora ga aoi.
The sky is blue.
くうこうまで おねがいします。
Kuukoo made onegaishimasu.
Go to the airport, please.
からてを やっています。
Karate wo yatteimasu.
I am doing Karate.
おなかが すきました。
Onaka ga sukimashita.
I am hungry.