The Tokyo Olympics are going on now. It was planned to be held in 2020, but it was postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. Now that the Covid-19 infection has not calmed down worldwide, there was a big debate about whether the Tokyo Olympics should happen or not.
I was against having this kind of big event in Japan, but it started anyway. So I think we should witness what’s going on at this crazy time. In fact, it felt painful to watch it, but I also thought I should write about it because I am sure it will be one of the most unforgettable Olympics in my life, in any sense.

Japanese text
>Read the full episode in Japanese on Medium
Japanese text in Hiragana
Asuriito no shuuchuuryoku ya genkai ni choosen suru sugata wa kandouteki deshita. Demo, kankyakuseki ga karappo nano wo mite, mune ga itamu yoona omoi ga shitandesu.
Moshi, korona ga nakattara, tookyoo tomin wo hajime, nihon kokumin, soshite sekaijuu no kankyaku de kaijoo ga ahurekaette ita koto de shoo.
“Korehodo kaisaichi ni kangei sarenai orinpikku wa katsute nakatta” to hoodoo sareta tookyoo gorin. Soredemo nao, sono naka de kagayaku asuriito no sugata wo, sikkari to kioku shite okanakutewa ikenai, to kanjita no deshita.
English Translation
I was impressed by the concentration of the athletes and the way they push themselves to the limit. At the same time, I found it painful to see the empty stands of the stadiums.
If we hadn’t had Covid-19, the venue would be overflowing with people from Tokyo, the other parts of Japan and all over the world.
It was reported that “there has never been an Olympic Games so unwelcome in the host city”. And yet, I felt that we should remember the athletes who shone in the midst of it all.
To Read the full episode in English:
Pick up for beginners!
(動詞:どうしa verb)なくてはいけない nakute wa ikenai
- Meaning: must do; need to do
- Grammar: verb (ない form) な+くてはいけない
The polite form is “なくてはいけません (nakute wa ikemasen)”.
Kioku shite okanakute wa ikenai
I must remember it.
Hayaku okinakute wa ikenai
(I) need to get up early.
Kaimono ni ikanakute wa ikenai
(I) need to go shopping.
Nihongo wo benkyoo shinakute wa ikemasen
(I) must learn Japanese.
In the above examples, the subject is not indicated. In Japanese, it is common to omit the subject. In the English translation of these examples, I wrote “(I)” as the subject. You need to guess the subject each time when the subject is omitted.
- アスリート asuriito : athletes
- 集中力 shuuchuuryoku : concentration
- 限界 genkai : limits
- 挑戦する choosen suru : challenge =挑戦(ちょうせん)+する (an irregular verb)
- 姿 sugata : appearance
- 感動的 kandooteki : impressive
- でも demo : however
- 観客席 kankyakuseki : stand, spectator seats
- 空っぽ karappo : empty
- 見て mite : looking at (て form of ru verb / ichidan verb 見る)
- 胸が痛む mune ga itamu : painful (胸 = “chest”, 痛む= “to hurt”, a Godan verb / ru verb)
- 思いがした omoi ga shita : think. feel(思い=feeking, した=plain past tense of an irregular verb する)
- もし moshi : if
- コロナ korona : coronavirus, Covid-19
- なかった nakatta : there was no (plain, past tense negative form of an irregular verb ある)
- 東京都民 tookyoo tomin : Tokyo citizens
- ~をはじめ wo hajime : including
- 日本国民 nihon kokumin : Japanese people
- そして soshite : and
- 世界中 sekaijuu : in the world
- 観客 kankyaku : audience, Spectators
- 会場 kaijoo : venue
- あふれかえって ahurekaette : overflowing (て form of a Godan verb / ru verb あふれかえる
- これほど korehodo : This much
- 開催地 kaisaichi : venue, the place where a meeting is held
- 歓迎 kangei : welcome
- されない sarenai : not be done (plain, present tense negative form of a Ichidan verb / ru verb される)
- オリンピック orinpikku : Olympic
- かつて katsute : once, before
- 報道された hoodoo sareta : was reported =報道+された (plain, past tense of a Ichidan verb / ru verb される)
- 五輪 gorin : Olympics
- それでも soredemo : nevertheless
- なお nao : even
- その中で sono naka de : among them
- 輝く kagayaku : to shine
- しっかりと shikkari to : firmly
- 記憶して kioku site : remember =記憶+して (て form of an irregular verb する)
- おかなくてはいけない okanakute wa ikenai : have to do (ない form of a Godan verb / u verb おく+なくてはいけない)
- 感じた kanjita : felt (plain, past tense of a Ichidan verb / ru verb 感じる)