In Japanese, “it’s hurting” is “itai”. When you want to say which part of your body is hurting, you can say “(a noun) ga itai”.
Atama ga itai.
My head is hurting.
Ha ga itai.
My tooth is aching.
Ashi ga itai.
My foot is hurting.
Mune ga itai.
My chest is hurting.
Itai is an i-adjective. Its conjugation is,
- いたい(です) itai (desu): present tense
- いたくない(です) itaku nai (desu): negative present tense
- いたかった(です) itakatta (desu): past tense
- いたくなかった(です) itaku nakatta (desu): negative past tense
Japanese people believe that their emotions and mental feeling are related somehow to their hearts. So “mune ga itai” could be physical pain or mental pain.

When a native speaker of English say “ouch!”, Japanese people say “ita(t)!” or “ite(t)!”
The Kanji letter 痛 can be pronounced “tuu” as well. A headache is “頭痛zutuu” in Japanese. Zutuu is normally conbined with a verb “suru (shimasu)” or “aru (arimasu)”.
Zutuu ga suru.
I have a headache.
Zutuu ga arimasu.
I have a headache.