We were planning to go to the UK in October 2021, and we went to have the third vaccination for some reason. This was how we had our third vaccination in Canada. I picked up the text from my Japanese diary.
Japanese text

Japanese text in Hiragana and Pronunciations
“Wakuchin sesshu wa ikkaime desuka? nikame desuka?” to kikare, “sankaime desu” toyuuto “eh?” to kikikaesaremashita.
Issho ni uketsuke wo shita otto ga, sankai sesshu no riyuu wo setsumei shite, “moderuna de onegaishimasu” to tsutaete kuremashita.
Uketsuke ga owaru to, tsugi ni monshin no buusu he ikimasu.
Kokodemo, “ikkaime desuka? nikaime desuka?” to kikare “sankaime desu” to yuuto, mata “eeh?” to kikikaesareru…
Hoken kaado de uketsuke suru toki konpyuutaa ni kiroku toka shinai no kana, konohito tachi, to omoi nagara, matamoya sono riyuu wo kakukakushikajika to yatte, “moderuna de onegaishimasu” to nen wo oshimashita.
English Translation
We were asked “Is this your first vaccination or the second time? When my boyfriend said “It’s our third dose”, they asked me “Sorry?” He said again, “The third dose”, and explained the reason for the three doses. He also said, “So, we’d like to have Moderna, please.”
After the reception, we went to the next booth for the medical questionnaire. Again, I was asked, “Is this your first time or second time?” When I said “this is my third dose”, they asked me again “Sorry?”
… I wondered why they don’t have a computerized record when they accept insurance cards. Anyway, I explained why we needed the third dose again and told her to make sure, “Moderna, please”.
Pick up for beginners!
counter “回 (かい/kai)”
When you talk about how many times, we use the counter “回 (かい/kai)”. To count the frequency or number of times, we use the number + 回 (かい/kai).
- once 一回 いっかい ikkai
- twice 二回 にかい nikai
- three times 三回 さんかい sankai
- four times 四回 よんかい yonkai
- five times 五回 ごかい gokai
- six times 六回 ろっかい rokkai
- seven times 七回 ななかい (しちかい) nanakai (shichikai)
- eight times 八回 はちかい/はっかい hachikai / hakkai
- nine times 九回 きゅうかい kyuukai
- ten times 十回 じゅっかい/じっかい jukkai / jikkai
- eleven times 十一回 じゅういっかい juuikkai
- twelve times 十二回 じゅうにかい juunikai
- one hundred times 百回 ひゃっかい hyakkai
- one thousand times 千回 せんかい senkai
- ten thousand times 一万回 いちまんかい ichimankai
- How many times 何回 なんかい nankai
かれは まいしゅう にかい にほんごきょうしつ に いきます。
Kare wa maishuu nikai nihongo kyooshitsu ni ikimasu.
He goes to Japanese classes twice a week.
Kyoo wa, udetatehuse wo sanjukkai yarimashita.
I did 30 push-ups today.
Nen ni nikai, kaigai ryokoo ni ikimasu.
I travel abroad twice a year.
Nankai onara wo shimashitaka?
How many times did you fart?
number + 回目 (kaime)
When you add “目(め/me)” after the counting numbers above, it will be ordinal numbers which mean the first time, second time, third time…
Please note that 一回目(いっかいめ/ikkaime)means “the first time”, but people often say “はじめて (hajimete)” with the same meaning as well.
- first 一回目/はじめて いっかいめ/はじめて
- second 二回目 にかいめ
- third time 三回目 さんかいめ
- fourth time 四回目 よんかいめ
- fifth time 五回目 ごかいめ
- sixth time 六回目 ろっかいめ
- seventh time 七回目 ななかい (しちかい)め
- eighth time 八回目 はちかいめ/はっかいめ
- ninth time 九回目 きゅうかいめ
- tenth time 十回目 じゅっかいめ/じっかいめ
- eleventh time 十一回目 じゅういっかいめ
- twelveth time 十二回目 じゅうにかいめ
- one hundredth time 百回目 ひゃっかいめ
- one thousandth time 千回目 せんかいめ
- ten thousandth time 一万回目 いちまんかいめ
- How many times 何回目 なんかいめ
Nihon wa hajimete desuka
Is this your first time in Japan?
Iie, nikaime desu.
No, it’s my second time.
Wakuchin sesshu wa nankaime desuka?
How many times have you been vaccinated?
- ワクチン wakuchin: vaccine
- 接種 sesshu: get ingection
- 一回目 ikkaime: the first time
- 二回目 nikaime: the second time
- 聞かれ kikare: be asked
- 三回目 sankaime: the third time
- え? eh?: what?
- 聞き返されました kikikaesaremashita: I was asked back
- いっしょに isshoni: together
- 受付 uketsuke: reception, register
- 夫 otto: husband
- 理由 riyuu: reason
- 説明 setsumei: explain
- モデルナ moderuna: Moderna
- お願いします onegaishimasu: please
- 伝えて tsutaete: telling
- 終わる owaru: to finish
- 次 tsugi: next
- 問診 monshin: medical interview
- ブース buusu: booth
- 行きます ikimasu: to go
- ここ koko: here
- また mata: again
- 保険 hoken: insurance
- カード kaado: card
- コンピューター konpyuutaa: computer
- 記録 kiroku: register, to memorise
- とか toka: and, kind of
- この人たち konohitotachi: these people
- 思い omoi: think
- ながら nagara: while
- またもや matamoya: and again
- かくかくしかじか kakukakushikajika: (the sound of explanation)
- 念を押しました nen wo oshimashita: I reminded them