We’re busy harvesting our vegetable garden at the moment, but once we’ve finished we’re planning a trip to the UK to visit my boyfriend’s family. We haven’t been back since the lockdown in March 2020, so we want to see them as soon as possible.
However, when I originally wrote this diary, travellers from Canada had to quarantine for 10 days after entering England. The good news is that they have changed the restriction for travellers coming from Canada, for now.

Japanese text
イギリスではどの国から渡航するかによって異なる制限を設けています。国や地域を レッド、アンバー、グリーンにグループ分けしており、その区分によって渡航条件が異なる のです。
>Read the full episode in Japanese on my blog
Japanese text in Hiragana and Pronunciations
Igirisu dewa dono kuni kara tokou suruka ni yotte kotonaru seigen wo mookete imasu.
くにやちいきを レッド(れっど)、アンバー(あんばー)、グリーン(ぐりーん)にグループ(ぐるーぷ)わけしており、そのくぶんによってとこうじょうけんがことなるのです。
Kuni ya chiiki wo reddo, anbaa, guriin ni guruupu wake shite ori, sono kubun ni yotte tokoo jooken ga kotonaru nodesu.
Genzai, kanada wa anbaa ni irowake sarete ori, igirisu nyuukokugo tookakan no jikokakuri ga gimuka sarete imasu.
Tokoroga, getsuyoobi yori kanada wa guriin ni kubun sareru koto ga kimatta to yuu shirase wo kazoku kara uketori mashita.
Tsumari, getsuyoobi ikoo, knada kara igirisu ni nyuukoku suru hito wa jikokakuri gimu ga arimasen,
Igirisu nyuukokugo, jikokakuri ga hitsuyoo na baai, dokode jikokakuri suru kaga nayami no tane ni natte itanode, watashitati ni totte wa roohoo desu.
English Translation
The UK has different restrictions depending on which country you are travelling from. Countries and regions are grouped into red, amber and green categories, with different travel conditions depending on the category.
Currently, Canada is classified as Amber, which means that it is compulsory to self-quarantine for 10 days after entering the UK. However, we have just been informed by his brother that Canada will be classified as Green from Monday.
It means that anyone entering the UK from Canada after Monday will not be required to self-isolate.
This is good news for us as we have been wondering where to go for self-isolation if we needed to after entering the UK.
Pick up for beginners!
国の名前 Countries Name
In this article, there are two countries names which are イギリス England and カナダ Canada. Both of them are written in Katakana in Japanese as they are shown, but there are a few countries names which we write with Kanji characters and most of them are the countries where people are using Kanji or people used to use Kanji.
- イギリス/英国 igirisu / eikoku: England
- カナダ kanada: Canada
- 日本 nihon / nippon: Japan
- 中国 chuugoku: China
- アメリカ amerika: America / the USA
- 韓国 kankoku: South Korea
- 北朝鮮 kita chosen: North Korea
- 台湾 taiwan: Taiwan
- ベトナム betonamu: Vietnam
- タイ tai: Thailand
- インド indo: India
- フランス huransu: France
- ドイツ doitsu: Germany
- ブラジル burajiru: Brasil
- シンガポール shingapooru: Singapore
- スペイン supein: Spain
- フィリピン firipin: Philippines
- ロシア roshia: Rusia
- インドネシア indoneshia: Indonasia
- ラオス raosu: Laos
- カンボジア kanbojia: Cambodia
- イタリア itaria: Italy
- オーストラリア oosutoraria: Australia
- エジプト ejiputo: Egypt
Also, in Japanese, we often use a Kanji character to shorten the countries names, especially when it’s written. For example,
- 米/米国=アメリカ: the USA
- 英/英国=イギリス: England
- 仏=フランス: France
- 独=ドイツ: Germany
- 露=ロシア: Rusia
- 伊=イタリア: Itally
- 加=カナダ: Canada
- どの dono: which
- 国 kuni: country
- から kara: from
- 渡航する tokoosuru: travel (crossing the border)
- によって niyotte: by, depending on
- 異なる kotonaru: defferent
- 制限 seigen: restruction
- 設けています mooketeimasu: set up
- 地域 chiiki: area
- レッド reddo: red
- アンバー anbaa: amber
- グリーン griin: green
- グループ分け guruupuwake: classified into groups
- その sono: that
- 区分 kubun: groups, categories
- 渡航 tokoo: travel
- 条件 jooken: condition
- 現在 genzai: now
- 色分け irowake: colour-coded
- 入国後 nyuukokugo: after the entrance (to the country)
- 10日間 tookakan: 10 days
- 自己隔離 jikokakuri: self-isolation
- 義務 gimu: mandatry
- ところが tokoroga: however
- 月曜日 getsuyoobi: Monday
- より yori: from
- 決まった kimatta: has been decided
- 知らせ shirase: news
- 家族 kazoku: family
- 受け取りました uketorimashita: received
- つまり tsumari: in the other words
- 以降 ikoo: after
- 入国する nyuukokusuru: enter the country
- 人 hito: person
- ありません arimasen: there is no
- 必要 hitsuyoo: need
- 場合 baai: in the case
- どこで dokode: where
- 悩みの種 nayami no tane: a big issue, headache
- 私たち watashitachi: we, us
- にとって nitotte: for
- 朗報 roohoo: good news